3 Practical Ways to Clear Your Energy at the Full Moon
Now that I understand the moon cycle much better, the full moon and I no longer have any qualms about anything. I just know that anything that comes up during this time is because it needs my attention. So, if I'm feeling off or not like myself, the chances are it's time to clear up my energy field.
Those of us who are into holistic practices know all about saging and what not. But, if that's too woo-woo for you, here are 3 practical things your can do to clear your energy at the full moon, which don't require dancing naked and howling.
Drink more water
Water is the unsung hero of clarity. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the movie "Troop Beverly Hills." It was one of my faves during my Girl Scout years. Anyway, there was this one scene when the mom was down and out about something that went awry, and went into hiding in her room with the drapes drawn. Instead of going nuts and binge drinking alcohol, when her friend came to check on her, there were Evian water bottles littered all over her room. To this day, whenever I get sad or pissed, I automatically crack open a pack of water bottles. This habit has prevented me from using things like alcohol or food to comfort me when the going gets rough. I have nothing against baked mac & cheese and a stiff martini, but it's not my first line of defense. The moral of the story is, make it a point to increase your water intake, especially when you energetically feeling sucky, and see how it makes a difference in your thinking and judgement.
I mean, if the moon affects the tide, and we're also primarily made of water, what do you think is going on inside of you too? Plus, most people are under-hydrated anyway, so tossing back a few bottles is probably in all of our best interest. Hydrating yourself is a quick way to alleviate a cloudy mind and sluggish-feeling body.
Avoid drama-loving people
Sometimes the drama-loving people are right in your home or in the palm of your hand (hello, Twitter). But you know what? YOU are still in control. You are the one who can decide how to react in the presence of someone else who's having a dramatic meltdown. And sometimes it's as simple as telling them to their face, 'I'm unsubscribing from this conversation, because I literally can't right now.' That may seem crude, but it's you and your sanity or the BS, it's truly your choice.
And, when it comes down to that handheld device, you can opt-out literally at any time.
Because of the work that I do, I kind of have to monitor social media daily. But when it gets to be too much, I log off for a couple of hours. I refrain from posting if I'm angry. And if I'm really annoyed, I turn all my notifications off. I bet your phone has that feature as well. Try it sometime. You'll be so relieved from the lack of dings from those real (and virtual) drama queens interrupting your peace every ten minutes.
Clear the clutter
There is nothing as liberating as throwing and giving away sh*t that's no longer serving you. A good clutter purge is symbolic of letting go of stuckness (yes, I just made that word up) -- whether it's in your thoughts about a decision you need to make, to fire up your creativity or to get rid of the monkey mind. Chuck it in the f*ck it bucket and move past it. You can mini purge all over your life by clearing your desk, removing unnecessary apps, unfollowing Negative Nancys, cleaning out your closet now that the season has changed, or shining up your ride. When your space is clear, it clears out your mind as well.
So, that's it. 3 BIG, practical ways you can purge some energy during these beautifully charged, and sometimes intense lunar cycles.
What are some of your fave. energy clearing processes? Leave a comment here or on social!
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