Hypnosis and Mindset Tools for the Modern Girl
So... what’s the deal with hypnosis?
Did you know that we all go into hypnosis or a light trance on a daily basis? Do you find yourself mindlessly & obsessively scrolling IG and next thing you know you’ve lost track of time?? If so, you’ve become entranced. If you watch TV, you have to allow your mind to go into a light hypnosis in order to take in the programming. Even when reading a good book, we’re opening ourselves up to suspend other thoughts and become immersed in the words & ideas the author has created.
Of all of the things you choose to interact with, what would happen if you opened yourself to messaging that empowers you to have more confidence, better money habits & a mindset for success in your business, personal life & relationships? That’s what good hypnotherapy can do for you.
What Hypnotherapy is not
It’s not spooky, or weird, and it’s not mind control. What you see on stage at hypnosis shows is for entertainment only. You’re actually in full control the entire time.
What hypnotherapy is
Hypnosis is relaxation, plus focused attention to speak to your subconscious mind—that is the part of your brain that’s responsible for your automatic thoughts and behaviors, like whether or not you will procrastinate or take action. The body is much like a robot and your mind has the programming that runs the show. That’s why hypnosis is a powerful tool you can use to program your mind for more success, love, confidence—whatever you need!
Hypnosis is not something that’s done to you— you agree to it, and we do it together.
Think of it as kind of like having a tour guide for your mind. But at the end of the day, if you want to have an impactful experience, it’s up to you to take action & get results after a session!
“This session truly helped me feel uplifted. It was so empowering. After, I was feeling confident and ready to go.” -Sandra F.
Imagine what your life would be like if you could get rid of imposter syndrome, the fear of being seen, scarcity and let your true self shine through, you’d be down with that, wouldn’t you?
You’d want that, right? Well— now is your chance to try your first (or maybe your new fave—hint, hint) abundance mindset hypnosis for right here.
Suppose you could have fun doing work you love that makes the money you deserve. Imagine what you’ do, where you’d go & how you’d spend your time.
Whatever your lifestyle goals are, it all starts with the belief that you are worthy & capable of of having what you want. That’s the power of hypnosis. Try it today.
Start Attracting More Abundance in Your Life.
Give Your Money Mindset a Reboot!
Watch now: Abundance Hypnosis & Meditation To Radically Change Your Money Mindset
Upgrade how you think and feel about your relationship with money and not only start to feel more abundant, but actually feel WORTHY of all that comes to you. Get ready to catapult your energetic and financial currency into a whole other stratosphere. Sign up for the 30-Day Money Mindset Reboot Series.