Get Right For The Summertime and Show Your Feet Some Love
Before You Put on Another Sandal …
You Must Try Baby Foot
Summertime is upon us and that means it’s time for bare feet, and pedicures– oh, and sandals– you know if you’re into that sort of thing. Personally, I prefer to be barefoot as much as possible during the summer. This is why Baby Foot (my affiliate link) is quite possibly the best thing that could’ve happened to my feet.
It’s literally magic in two plastic booties. Although it takes about 5-10 days to really see progress. And by progress, I mean skin that peels like an anaconda. It’s literally a glycolic peel for your feet. Genius!
The process was really quite simple. First you soak your feet in warm water
Next, put on and secure the plastic booties that come in the kit. Get comfy with some wine and Netflix and rest your heels for about an hour. Not too much wine though, or you’ll fall asleep on the couch like I did for two solid hours (YIKES), and wake up terrified that your feet have melted off.
Finally, head back to the tub to completely rinse off the product (I used a mild soap after rinsing), and wait for the magic to happen. In my case that meant going to bed. Yay for sleep!
And then you wait. And you wait. And days later you start to wonder WTH is happening and say to your feet, skin, why you no peel?
I was so anxious the first few days; I couldn’t figure why it seemed to be taking so long for the shedding to start. I realized, you have to give the new skin time to regenerate below the surface of the old. And boy oh boy, once it started, my skin was flaking off day and night. Of course, I helped the process along, picking at and peeling off skin at every available opportunity.
{Warning: not cute, but oddly fascinating picture below}
Much to my amusement, it was an Elmer’s glue lover’s childhood dream (yet way cooler– flicking and leaving evidence of my DNA everywhere). Also, the box doesn’t mention this, but it was suggested to me to soak my feet nightly once the peeling commenced to help loosen the skin. I found myself looking forward to my nightly ritual of showering, grabbing a glass of vino, then soaking and peeling skin in my tub. However, towards the end of the process the peeling on the tops of my feet seemed to take forever to come off.
It didn’t help that my nails are pretty long so I couldn’t really get a grip on the thinner, top flaking skin, which of course annoyed me. Not to be deterred, every evening I went after the rogue skin with a washcloth. I didn’t want to use anything too abrasive that might’ve damaged the precious new skin underneath (which, no lie, was actually turning out to be baby soft). That worked okay. In the end I finally pretty much gave up and let nature do it’s thing. I let the rest slough off naturally. Also, you’re not supposed to use lotion during the process. That allegedly delays the regeneration process. This was a point that I had serious concerns about. Ashy and peeling feet was not something I was looking forward to. Luckily, my concerns were unfounded. There wasn’t a patch of ash in sight the whole time. In fact, my feet haven’t been very ashy ever since. Of course I’ve resumed moisturizing them. And they’re still pretty darn soft like a baby.
In all, I’d say it took a full two weeks for all of the dead skin to go away. That includes the 4-5 day incubation period before the shedding actually started.
Overall, I enjoyed the after effect of using Baby Foot (which they have NOT paid me to say– I purchased and used the product on my own and you can too with my link here). However, I’m not a very patient person, so waiting it out for two weeks– especially right around Memorial Day– was probably not ideal. I would definitely use this product again, maybe once per season. Until then, I’ll be frolicking around in the grass with my flower crown and spreading the good word to those I think need it most. I know some guys who could DEFINITELY benefit from some baby love on those toes.
Leave a comment below. Have you or would you try a peel for your feet or some other exotic treatment like a fish pedicure?
Sharing is caring… tell a friend, tell your man. Let’s have baby soft feet together.
Bella Sassy: 4th of July Nails: American Gangster Picture & Video Tutorial
Bella Sassy Nail Art
American Gangster, Pt.2!!!
I loved this mani/pedi combo from last year so much that I had to remix it! HAPPY 4th of July! Stay safe & sassy.
Step 1: Apply base color
Step 2: Add red & blue to alternate sides of each nail
Step 3: Add white stripe down the center
Step 4: Watch the tutorial on how to recreate the pedi flag.
Bella Sassy
Getting ready for the weekend? Don’t neglect that weekly pedi. Try this sassy Cranberry Apple Pedicure from Sweet Lily Natural Spa:
What you need:
Wooden orange stick Nail file Polish Top & Base coat 32 oz Fresh apple cider Large bowl for soaking your feet Cranberry Seed Exfoliant: (combine ingredients in a small bowl) ½ cup cranberry oil (you can substitute olive oil) ½ cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon ground cranberry seeds (found in most health food stores)
How To:
1) Remove any old polish and file nails to desired shape. Perillo recommends keeping them a bit curved on the sides to avoid ingrowns.
2) Warm the fresh apple cider. Add to large soaking bowl along with 32 ounces of warm water.
3) Sit back, relax and soak feet for 5 to 10 minutes to allow the natural alpha-hydroxy acids in the cider do their magic on hard spots and calluses.
4) Using the orange stick, gently push back cuticles.
5) Massage a scoop of the Cranberry Seed Foot Exfoliant in a circular motion into feet and legs. Make sure to pay extra attention to heels and rough spots.
6) Rinse with warm water. “There’s no need to apply lotion afterwards as the cranberry oil in the scrub is an exceptional natural moisturizer,” says Perillo.
7) Clean the nails well with a non-acetone remover to remove any excess oil.
8) Apply polish: one coat of base coat, two coats of color, then one coat of top coat. “I prefer using a quick dry top coat such as Seche Vite or Qticas Quick Dry Drops,” says Perillo.
Josephine Baker c.1950