Let's Talk About Failure & Why It's A Stepping Stone to Greatness: 3 Motivational Speeches to Listen to Now
Monday has a notoriously bad rap, even for folks who don't clock in or out for anyone but themselves. Chasing a dream seems glamorous, until you fail. On your face. Repeatedly. During these seasons, getting out of bed, making phone calls and just sending a flipping email feels agonizing. It’s like being caught in an endless loop of Ground Hog's Day, which happens to fall on a mysteriously bleary and particularly sucky Monday.
Those are the breaks and what we call symptoms of failure. We allll experience it in some form. Whether you failed to finish a report for work, you blew an important presentation, failure happens. It happens to entrepreneurs, it happens to parents, it happens to all of us at some point. But that doesn't have to define you. Failure can be a launch point-- a gift, even, depending on how you look at it.
If you've failed at anything recently, or just need an extra boost to help you set the tone for your week the following 3-4 videos are for YOU, friend!
*Issa Bonus!
Love these 4 videos inspired from our July Self-Care Calendar?✨ All month we’ll be revisiting and working through tiny upgrades to make sure you stay stress free and productive all Summer ‘18.
Ready to get your summertime self-care on? Download and print your free calendar here today.
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Want to take back your mornings for greater productivity? Check out my FREE 3-day mini-course The Sacred Art of Being the F*ck Quiet. It's all about creating space and pockets of quiet in your life, starting in the morning-- or wherever you can grab it.
Solitude in our day is powerful. It's a space we can retreat to anytime we need to. And it's especially impactful in the mornings to give us the boost we need to create next level transformations in our life.